Thursday, August 20, 2009

feeling fear and doing nothing until i hear from you

this is all be unpacked soon in a few blog entries, so think of this as a not to myself to unpack all that is going on within my spirit.

Tre, this is a fascinating time in your Papa's life. You re at Oma's house right now because Mima is at her internship and then has to go to class at Metro. She is finishing her BSW and will be done Next May. Papa is spending Wednesday with God because your Mima and I are getting away for the weekend tomorrow and I will not be able to do my usual Friday with Papa God.

I want to talk to you about "Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway" and also "Do nothing until you hear from me." So that will be the Title of the next two blogs.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Three Questions: Closing Charge

May you leave this place believing in a God that consumes your daily reality. May you have experiences with God that become fuel for you to dream bigger that you have ever dreamed for you and your family. May your life display to the world your Papa God who is daily doing above all than you can imagine. May you give and invest your money in the things and people that God inspires you with. May you daily carry someone to the feet of Jesus, and may you develop friendships that will overcome a world of opposition in order to get you to God!

Question 3: What do you invest?

We each have ability, time, and money. We can argue that others have more in some departments than we do, but the fact is we all have all three. It is what we each choose to do with each of these three things that determines how much of the reality of God is present in our daily lives.

If you and I are not investing our ability, time, and money into people and purposes that God places in our heart, then something is wrong. If we are not doing that then why are we living?

In Mark Chapter 2 we find a fascinating story.
Jesus was inside a house teaching people and praying for those that were ill or disabled. The place was packed so much that there was not even room for one more person even at the door. Four men arrived carrying their friend on a mat because he was paralyzed. The bible says that they could not get to Jesus through the crowd so they climbed on the roof, made a hole, and lowered their friend down and placed him at the feet of Jesus.

Now, really picture this whole episode in your mind. These 4 guys fight through a crowd and have to hoist this guy up onto the roof. Maybe they dropped him once in the process (due to existing paralysis no further damage was done.) Then one translation of the Bible 
says that they were up on the roof "DIGGING THROUGH IT." I am sure more than one person was like "hey what do you think you are doing?" Perhaps some men even tried to physically stop them from making progress due to their destructive behavior and serious inconsideration for those that have been there for hours. Yet despite all this, the man was healed that day. Jesus said it was because of "their" faith, that is the faith of the man's friends that brought him to the feet of Jesus. 

So, what would cause those four men to overcome such opposition and rational thought to bring their friend to Jesus? There is only one answer that makes sense to me. The Man on the mat mattered more to those four men then all they would face to get their friend to Jesus.

So, who would carry you?

I think in our lives we all become paralyzed in some form at different times. We need our friends to carry us to Jesus when we cannot get there on our own, and the amount we invest in our friends will determine how much opposition they will overcome for us.

Life has a way of making us too busy to have time to care for those that matter the most. Yet, one of the ways the world will be drawn into relationship with God is by your example. Go find somebody on a stretcher and carry them to Jesus.

I have to go, I just thought of somebody! bye.

Question 2:What Do You Experience?

Phil 3:10amp
For my determined purpose is that I may know Him that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power out-flowing from His resurrection. That I may so share in His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope.

You and I must CHOOSE to not only believe that God's presence and power exists in our DAILY lives (see Qustion # 1) but also we must CHOOSE to experience HIS presence constantly. 

In 1 Samuel Chapters 16 & 17 we get an insight into how powerful our obedience really is.

Saul the anointed king of Israel obeyed the mandate from God to attack the enemy but used is own judgement as an excuse to not FULLY obey the voice of God. We then find the man of God (aka Prophet) Samuel confronting Saul about his disobedience. After lying first, the king then admitted that he had not FULLY obeyed God and offered to make it right, but it was TOO late! The Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord left Saul that day and NEVER returned! Also, the man of God left Saul that day and never visited him again. This is what you call a really really bad day! What happened to forgiveness? That is a whole other subject. Then we see in the next chapter that Saul would have David (later called "a man after God's own heart") come and play the harp for him. The Bible says that this was the only time that saul could experience true peace and not be tormented by the evil spirit.

I want to be the man of God that brings the presence of God (including: love, power, wisdom, healing, peace) to each and every situation and relationship I encounter on a daily basis. I do not want to be the one that needs others to bring His presence because of my disobedience to the Holy Spirit.

If we come to church to visit with God this mean by our own admittance that He was not with us prior to coming in the door.

When you spend time with God do you attempt to escape your reality or to bring more of His reality into yours? In the eyes of God, His kingdom and presence (provision and relationship) is SO much more REAL than what you think is real!

Proverb 25:2 It is God's privilege to conceal things and the king's privilege to discover them.
Our experiences with God (aka prayer time) are an opportunity to discover what He has hidden for us to find. Remember that we are his kids! When I hide something for Tre (our 3 year old) I do not rent excavating equipment and hide under tons of earth and concrete. I hide it on a low tree branch (where he can reach it) or in his bed. Jesus told us that to enter into the kingdom of God we must become like little children. So in the eyes and mind of God you and I are like three year olds running around. His joy (like mine is with Tre) is in our Discovering what He has hidden for us. Prayer is not a time to remind God of how miserable you are and what you need. He is not amazed to hear that you need a job, money, or whatever. Also, he is not impressed by the way you pray. To God you are not smart! You are like.... THREE. So your time that you spend with your Papa God is priceless to Him just as is every minute I have 
with my three year old.

Ephesians 3 tells us the God is able to do above what we can ask, think, imagine, or dream. Perhaps the purpose of our time with Him is to persuade our hearts to believe for experiences that are at the limit of our cognitive ability. Should this be true, perhaps our lives should be about Him daily bringing realities into our lives that our beyond our minds ability to fathom!

Let's get going we have some mind blowing to do. Helmets reccomended!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

3 Questions that change a person's life: Question # 1

What Do You Believe?
Each person believes in different things. We also each believe differently about different aspect of God. Here are the 3 realms that you and I choose to place our beliefs.

Realm of FANTASY
This is a place of fictitious characters and events. Examples would be: Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, and Barney the purple dinosaur. Some people place the whole idea of God into the realm of fantasy. They have rituals and events but CHOOSE to believe that Go exists in a world of fiction. Perhaps those of us that believe the Bible choose to place certain aspects of God into this realm.  
2 Timothy 3:5  having the appearance of godlinessbut denying its power.Avoid such people
What do you believe that you have placed into the realm of fantasy?

This is a place of real characters and events that are far away from our daily lives. An example of this realm would be the planet Mars. You and I would agree that the planet of Mars exists and is MORE real than characters in a fiction movie; however it is too far away to be a part of our daily experiences. Tuesday of this past week, I had the privilege of meeting Hoot Gibson at a grand opening event at Centennial Airport for the Interport that VisionAir is in partnership with. He was talking about NASA's mission to get a team of people to the planet of Mars within the next decade or so. Do you know how long the actual mission to Mars takes? Three years. It takes one year to get there as well as a year to get back, so they figured they might as well stay a year. The planet of Mars is FAR away from our daily lives. And so it is with different aspect of God, or perhaps stories we read about in the Bible. We believe that they are REAL but we inadvertently place them in the realm of distance so that we can become comfortable with the thought of something bizarre and/or supernatural being true yet not allow it to interfere with our daily lives. The Bible is clear that God is the same and never changes I believe a direct quote would be "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!" Why then are not more amazingly awesome events taking place in our lives and through our lives like they were in the times of the Bible? Perhaps it is because we can put "distance" between ourselves and some part of God in terms of time. Perhaps God and His people only acted that way in the Bible because they had to and now it is much more refined and normal looking. OR perhaps we have created distance between ourselves and the almighty power of God.

Realm of DAILY
This is the place of real characters and events that are part of our daily lives. This is your alarm clock, mortgage payment, job, marriage, schedules, kids, etc. Be honest, when we mention these DAILY REALITIES does God pop into your mind immediately? Usually the honest answer is NO. Have you ever made an honest attempt to have a consistent time with God? Perhaps you are well disciplined and have tuck with it over an extended period of time, or perhaps you are like me and it lasts for maybe 3 days and then you just feel bad about not getting in your time with God.
Once when interviewing Smith Wigglesworth, he was asked: how much time do you spend with God everyday? They were expecting to get an amount expressed in multiple hours but instead this was his response. "I rarely spend more than 5 minutes praying.... but I rarely go longer than 5 minutes without praying!"
Here is an idea. Instead of trying to place the presence of God into a block of time, take all of your time and place it into the presence of God. Take the time that you would normally spend orienting, or organizing your day (task list, schedules, etc) and invite the Lord into that time. What you will find is that you choose to cultivate your daily life WITHIN His presence, He will begin to give you ideas, help you organize your daily life, and even impress you to perhaps write a note to someone, or do something that you feel in your heart is the right thing to do. Start there, and before long you will begin to see supernatural connections and answers coming to your daily projects and problems.
Our Lives should be DAILY bringing the impossibility of God into other people's reality.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

counting on God

one of Tre's favorite songs is counting on God by the desperation band at new life church. This morning in church we were singing it as I reminisced about an early morning training flight I had with a client. We came down to the runway and he pulled back to enter the "flare" way too early, which caused the airspeed to degrade rapidly and start to "sink" to the runway. Imagine being 75 feet in the air and the airplane your in just quits flying and drops toward the runway. It is very scary. As we started to drop, I reached up and pushed the power in all the way and took control of the aircraft (pushing his hands out of the way, no time to chat about it or be politically correct.) I have done this many times as a flight instructor, but this morning it felt different in two ways. First, it was completely a reflex with absolutely no conscious thought on my part at all. Secondly, I did not feel any adrenaline or substantial heart rate increase.

Here are the two take aways.
1. Personally for Papa God and I it was affirming to me to tangibly FEEL his complete peace in what was a deadly situation. Our heart cry is to count on God, and I REALLY want my whole life and each little detail to be dependent on His love and power. I know God speaks through me to others and gives me words that I could not come up with on my own as they flow out of my mouth. But this morning it was His way of showing us (Him and I) that He can and will act through me at just the right time. It felt marvelous, beautiful, and perhaps more fulfilling than if He physically picked the aircraft up with His hands, because He was able to act through my mind and body...SWEET TOTALLY SWEET!

2. Each of us as leaders are taking ourselves as well precious others on a flight somewhere. Guess what, you are the pilot, God is not. Does not matter how spiritual we think we can get, we still make all the daily decisions either with God, with others, or by ourselves. We are human and will make mistakes, and in the process negatively affect others. It is dependent on us to develop our unique connections with our Papa God so that in the midst of our humanity He can intervene at the exact time of need. So much of our relationship with our Papa God is theoretical instead of actual. So much of what we say we believe in the Bible as no actual experiential place in our lives. When is the last time you KNOW God saved you and your aircraft?

to tre

Tre, you are a leader! Your papa is so proud of who you are becoming. This is for you and all the other leaders that like you have potential beyond my ability to comprehend because your potential exists in the mind and heart of your Papa God. Your mima and I made a decision long ago, to surrender our lives to Papa God, and only exist and thrive within our relationship with Him. This is why our lives are unexplainable, dangerous, fulfilling, and incomprehensible. Should anything happen to your papa, may these words fuel your passionate pursuit of all that you and your Papa God dream up together. May my ceiling become your floor, and therefore may I push my ceiling as high as possible so that you and every other leader may touch heaven daily and of course take as many with you as possible!