Phil 3:10amp
For my determined purpose is that I may know Him that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power out-flowing from His resurrection. That I may so share in His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope.
You and I must CHOOSE to not only believe that God's presence and power exists in our DAILY lives (see Qustion # 1) but also we must CHOOSE to experience HIS presence constantly.
In 1 Samuel Chapters 16 & 17 we get an insight into how powerful our obedience really is.
Saul the anointed king of Israel obeyed the mandate from God to attack the enemy but used is own judgement as an excuse to not FULLY obey the voice of God. We then find the man of God (aka Prophet) Samuel confronting Saul about his disobedience. After lying first, the king then admitted that he had not FULLY obeyed God and offered to make it right, but it was TOO late! The Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord left Saul that day and NEVER returned! Also, the man of God left Saul that day and never visited him again. This is what you call a really really bad day! What happened to forgiveness? That is a whole other subject. Then we see in the next chapter that Saul would have David (later called "a man after God's own heart") come and play the harp for him. The Bible says that this was the only time that saul could experience true peace and not be tormented by the evil spirit.
I want to be the man of God that brings the presence of God (including: love, power, wisdom, healing, peace) to each and every situation and relationship I encounter on a daily basis. I do not want to be the one that needs others to bring His presence because of my disobedience to the Holy Spirit.
If we come to church to visit with God this mean by our own admittance that He was not with us prior to coming in the door.
When you spend time with God do you attempt to escape your reality or to bring more of His reality into yours? In the eyes of God, His kingdom and presence (provision and relationship) is SO much more REAL than what you think is real!
Proverb 25:2 It is God's privilege to conceal things and the king's privilege to discover them.
Our experiences with God (aka prayer time) are an opportunity to discover what He has hidden for us to find. Remember that we are his kids! When I hide something for Tre (our 3 year old) I do not rent excavating equipment and hide under tons of earth and concrete. I hide it on a low tree branch (where he can reach it) or in his bed. Jesus told us that to enter into the kingdom of God we must become like little children. So in the eyes and mind of God you and I are like three year olds running around. His joy (like mine is with Tre) is in our Discovering what He has hidden for us. Prayer is not a time to remind God of how miserable you are and what you need. He is not amazed to hear that you need a job, money, or whatever. Also, he is not impressed by the way you pray. To God you are not smart! You are like.... THREE. So your time that you spend with your Papa God is priceless to Him just as is every minute I have
with my three year old.
Ephesians 3 tells us the God is able to do above what we can ask, think, imagine, or dream. Perhaps the purpose of our time with Him is to persuade our hearts to believe for experiences that are at the limit of our cognitive ability. Should this be true, perhaps our lives should be about Him daily bringing realities into our lives that our beyond our minds ability to fathom!
Let's get going we have some mind blowing to do. Helmets reccomended!