The Elder brother said to his father "you killed the fattened calf for him but you haven't even given me a goat." To which his dad responded "I killed the fattened calf for him, but you own the farm."
One of the primary problems in leadership today is that many people in positions of authority have the mentality of the elder brother instead of the father. Instead of knowing their role (of who they truly are) as a father (or mentor) of others, they believe lies. They believe lies about themselves, their brothers, and their father that breeds insecurity and competition. They consequently are in competition with the very people that they are suppose to be leading and constantly feel the need to reinforce the power they have over them instead of simply empowering them.
If we do not solve the identity problem in leadership then we will inadvertently build an infrastructure that keeps people from fulfilling their potential. One of the saddest things to see is an organization that has become so good at building this structure to enable or cope with the identity issue that they have no idea that anything is wrong.
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